A full life for all people with a disability






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IIDL, as our name suggests, is primarily intended for leaders within the disability sector or Disabled Community. Please complete this form if you are the chief executive of a disability service agency or a community, consumer or family leader.

You are also eligible to be a member if you are a policy analyst/developer/promoter in a leadership role in a government, educational institution or other non-government or private organization.

Upon review of your information to ensure that you meet minimum criteria for membership in IIDL, you will be automatically subscribed to the IIMHL / IIDL Update List, our email announcement server. You will also be eligible for all other IIDL benefits!

This Membership Record collects information about each organization in IIDL and allows us to facilitate exchanges and promote collaboration between international leaders.


There is no direct cost to become a member of IIDL. You are eligible to join IIDL if you are in a leadership role.

Emerging leaders in these areas are also welcome to join.




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